Privacy garden

En kuperad fastighet med vacker utsikt som har flera utmaningar. Familjen är mycket trädgårdsintesserad och har gjort en del arbete för att skapa en vacker trädgård men designutmaningarna känns svårlösta och familjen vill ha hjälp med en översiktlig plan och idé för utemiljön. Större altan, växthus, damm och eldstad önskades samt lösningar för infart/parkering och den gamla infarten på baksidan.
The plot is located on a dead end street without a turning area, which means that many people turn their cars on the property, which in turn leads to a lot of visibility. At the back there is an old asphalt driveway that is no longer used and old worn concrete blocks detract from the impression of a really beautiful property. Due to the height difference, the existing terrace lacks contact with the garden .
Where: Södertälje
Size: 1700m2
Status: Design phase

The parking area by the garage is screened off from the garden with a plank, which makes the front much more attractive to be on. The greenhouse is placed here as a beautiful eye-catcher both from the entrance to the property and from inside the house. The balcony is expanded with a new floor with a lounge area and a large, comfortable staircase with access to the park-like part of the garden. The old entrance to a garage at the back is hidden by a pergola, which also creates a protected environment for the family's seed sowing, etc. The pond and fireplace are placed in the park-like part and become both beautiful eye-catchers and interesting walking paths. The existing gray concrete stone is washed and relaid in a herringbone pattern with a frieze, good for both the environment and the wallet. The park-like feeling is reinforced with more trees for privacy and natural meadow plantings.